sabato 4 febbraio 2012

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roma is white, in the weekend of the 4th of february
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Piergiuseppe Moroni, in a BOMBA41 coat and hat
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beginnibg of the new year.....the new collections of BOMBA and BOMBA41, are in process
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Christmas arrived. Childrens, they have their own new space, their lovely little swethers and dresses, made out of cashmere pieces left from our collections
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Juli preparing for the concert of 'uomo uccello', the bird man
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beautiful, isnt'it?
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sujestions.....a plastic bag, together with a very precious showl, both from India
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BOMBA41's team is also curatind cultural events. For the opening,a small cinema hall has been organized to show the art video 'la camera', of Ra di Martino, with Filippo Timi.
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The costume designer Silvia Aymonino is BOMBA41 first guest.
For BOMBA41 concept and all details about the project, visit
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BOMBA41 is ready to open..........
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BOMBA41 collection for man and woman is in process
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venerdì 3 febbraio 2012

and a new space has been created: BOMBA41.
Martino Fraschetti has been the architect, Elisabetta Benassi made the lights, Caterina Nelli, Emiliano Maggi and Julia Frommel are the curators.