sabato 29 maggio 2010

oggi si sposano Lele e Maria Clara.
Ho ricevuto messaggini dicendomi lei quanto è bella.........
aspettiamo foto

venerdì 28 maggio 2010

...everybody very happy, the sun was there......
a real marriage 'made in Italy'

....forgot about the most beautiful one after the bride

Let's talk about my assistent Caterina S.
If 'grace' is the first of July qualities, 'courage' is the first for Caterina.
...and she is very gracefull too. very responsable, very nice looking, always... nice... with everybody. Sometimes I think , is she human? Well she got married, and guess what? her husband is very nice too.
Here are some pictures from the marriage for you

la mostra di Marina Abramovic si chiude con la fine di maggio, Se non siete stati e non potete andare, vi consiglio :
sito del MOMA ....the artist is the present....per vedere in diretta quello che succede........
meglio di niente

mercoledì 26 maggio 2010

.................sorry I'm in bed. I would like to send you pictures from my phone, or from my mac, but I don't know how...need help

sabato 15 maggio 2010

Michele Am Russo
Foto Caterina Nelli
...thinking about my brides...under the rain, today.
we have been working so much on their dresses..... one millimiter more or less on the decolletè, this fabric is falling ...the silk toulle veil... try to walk.....the shoes, the ham......I said that....never forget the reason while you are wearing that dress!
So.....welcome to the rain that is blessing me today!

venerdì 14 maggio 2010

this work is by ANSELM KIEFER
opening tonight, GALLERY LORCAN O'NEILL, Rome

giovedì 13 maggio 2010

sto scrivendo in inglese perchè mi è stato richiesto.
Non credo ci siano problemi, visto che noi in Italia capiamo l'inglese, e, di solito, chi parla inglese, non conosce l'italiano

mercoledì 12 maggio 2010

and about flowers, would you like to see some pictures of Salento, taken during my trip, the past easter?

olive tree flowers in my garden

Juli in a Nafi de Luca hat.
I know Nafi from many years, probably she was introduced to me from Isastella Sartori from Barneys, ......
She is an artist, let her decide

this is Maria, my dormer...I love her.....very different from the uptown NY dormers , she is a real roman woman, she clean veg and smokes, while she is working, you can't complain, becouse she would scream at you. so everybody respect her for what she is

yesterday, opening of Elisabetta Benassi exibition ..........all I the Magazzino arte Moderna, in via dei prefetti, rome.
I love her. Very special, go.
to know more:

martedì 11 maggio 2010

the new issue of NERO MAGAZINE is out.
give a look around ( at page 92 is Julia Frommel with TROVATELLI)
Luciano U....I love him, he is working with me from so many years....probably 25, assisting me in the knitwear production.
He always wants to go on a diet, he always wants me to accept the most easy ways to arrive to solutions, I always make him crazy experimenting new yarns and machines, he is also the one able to organize a one of a kind knit tie production, where every tie is a little piece of art. He is so much fun.....

giovedì 6 maggio 2010

sono contenta di essere uscita in sandali con la pioggia, perchè ora c'è il sole. Io li porto estate e inverno. questi sono nuovi. sono arrivati ieri

Juli is beautiful (when I say 'beautiful', i mean it in many ways...she is a master of style (this chemisier for ex), she is an artist ( go to she is also my assistant, thanks god.
She has so much taste, so much sense of beauty, so much grace....
she can be very good in dressing you, it is a real pleasure to be in her company
Those pearls are really tiny as sand....I got in love for them and i really wanted to use them ....the needles still exist, but  not the tread... pity!